The chart of the day is introduced by, the main crypto platform trusted by over 100 million customers worldwide. Let’s check out the chart of the day to is down 17% in the final seven days after French media reported that Pavel Durov, the ceo of telegram was arrested as a part of a warrant issued by Ofim, an workplace of the French Nationwide Police tasked with stopping violence in opposition to minors. The warrant for his arrest stems from a legal grievance by of I which considers drove complicit due to tele lack of moderation in drug trafficking, distribution of kid sexual abuse materials and fraud as a consequence of telegram’s lack of moderation and cooper operation with legislation enforcement. That is in line with French media as of 9:30 a.m. Japanese time, Tom coin was buying and selling at $5.58. That is it for at present’s chart of the day. I am Jen Sani. We’ll see you subsequent time to unpack extra of the info behind prime information tales.